Can Bitcoin Hace A Trillion Market Cap

Bitcoin can have a trillion market capitalization . This means that bitcoin will still receive its market value after a market downturn. Some have even said that the "bitcoin standard" will one day replace the dollar standard we have adopted today.

Bitcoin reaches new level with $ 1000 billion in market capitalization through SlashGear
Bitcoin reached this milestone with $ 1 trillion in SlashGear market capitalization from

Even the total market capitalization of bitcoin, $ 393 billion, is only 15% of the world's $ 12.5 trillion worth of gold. Nick Chong On September 9, 2019, the growth of Bitcoin market capital has always been unexpected.

According to Paul, if the cryptocurrency user base reaches 3.5 trillion markers by 2030, the market limit will reach about $ 250 trillion.

The rapid growth of Bitcoin is truly extraordinary. If Cnbc manages to move Microsoft bitcoin from the first trillion to the second in 546 days, the bitcoin will reach $ 2. According to Bytetree, next time the cost of the bitcoin network will reach a new level.

However, the $ 100 trillion forecast will not come true until the next two quarters or 2028.

So I do not know when it will stop. At the time of writing (Forbes), the gold market capitalization is over $ 11 trillion, while bitcoin is a modest $ 1 trillion. After an impressive bitcoin rally, the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies has already exceeded $ 1 trillion;

The $ 1 trillion market capitalization of the crypto market (less than half of Apple) is less than $ 21 trillion of GDP or the country's 43 trillion households.

So now, by 2022, you need to capture the $ 10 trillion market. Bitcoin market capitalization can reach $ 1 trillion և $ 50,000 per BTC. In fact, bitcoin wants to be the future of money.

Alphabet strategist Vanek Gabor Gurbak looks at what it takes to bring the total value of Bitcoin to more than $ 1 trillion, both at the opening of the year of the bitcoin boom and at the stage of market capitalization.

Even with $ 393 billion, the total market capitalization of bitcoin is only 15% of the $ 12.5 trillion gold in the world. Restricting the cryptocurrency market to $ 10 trillion at the current level of bitcoin dominance puts the total price of bitcoin at around $ 330,000, so that was to be expected. He noted that most of Btc does not exist.

This means that after the market downturn, bitcoin will still receive its market price.

Annual assets for Bitcoin around $ 7100 have now grown by 148% to $ 17643. However, the $ 100 trillion forecast will not materialize for two and a half years or until 2028. The steady growth of Bitcoin market capitalization was unexpected in nature.
